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Issue No. 52, June 2021



Collecting taxes more efficiently allows countries to improve their balance sheets after the pandemic
while promoting business investment and sustainable economic growth.


ADB discusses integrity risks with UP College of Law

ADB shared its approach in mitigating integrity risks and addressing integrity violations with students from the University of the Philippines (UP) College of Law.

Public Integrity Network
- Capacity Development Program

The Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia-Pacific completed its four-part capacity development series for anticorruption officials and development partners. 



The proactive integrity review (PIR) report on the Armenia-Georgia Border Regional Road (M6 Vanadzor-Bagratashen) Improvement Project recommends enhancing due diligence, adhering to bid requirements during bid evaluation, and strengthening procurement records management.

The PIR report on Outer Island Maritime Infrastructure Project in Tuvalu raises findings over payment processing, bid evaluations, performance security and records management, and includes recommendations to enhance transparency, accountability and control.

The PIR report on North Pacific Regional Connectivity Investment Project in Palau recommends to adhere to ADB’s guidelines and policies in determining bidders’ eligibility, document conflict of interest situations and mitigating actions, and enhance the guidelines on evaluation of non-mandatory disclosures in consultant selection. 



Report integrity violations to the
Office of Anticorruption and Integrity
Asian Development Bank, 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, 1550 Philippines
Tel  +63 2 8632 5004    Fax  +63 2 8636 2152
